(Invited) Open Software for Electrochemical Battery Modeling, Estimation, and Control

Monday, 1 October 2018: 14:30
Star 8 (Sunrise Center)
S. Moura (University of California, Berkeley, eCAL), H. Perez, Z. Gima, S. Park, and D. Zhang (University of California, Berkeley)
Batteries are ubiquitous. However, today’s batteries are expensive, range-limited, power-restricted, die too quickly, charge too slowly, and susceptible to safety issues. For this reason, model-based battery management systems (BMS) are of extreme interest. In this talk, we discuss eCAL’s open code for electrochemical-thermal battery models. Specifically, we also discuss applications of this code for (i) parameter identification, and (ii) optimal charging control. Finally, we close with exciting new perspectives for next-generation battery systems.