(Invited) Open Science Strategy to Accelerate Adoption of Nonlinear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as a Battery Diagnostic

Monday, 1 October 2018: 11:30
Star 8 (Sunrise Center)
V. W. Hu, M. D. Murbach, and D. T. Schwartz (University of Washington)
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a widely adopted diagnostic tool for batteries because of its ability to easily probe different physicochemical processes.1 In contrast, physics-based models are not as widely adopted for analysis of traditional (linear) EIS experiments, nor are the inherent limitations of linearizing the behavior of a battery widely appreciated.2-4 Nonlinear EIS (NLEIS) is an emerging experimental method that addresses the limitation of linearization in EIS,5 but not the challenge of using physics-based models for interpretation. We believe an open science strategy will accelerate this field, but today there are few open data and software platforms to build from,6 so simple equivalent-circuits are mostly used to interpret experiments.7 Here we explore the experimental and theoretical capabilities of NLEIS for sensitively detecting changes in kinetic, transport, and thermodynamic behavior of commercial batteries, including new physics that is invisible to linearized EIS methods. The NLEIS experimental data, software, and computational tools we present are freely available on ECSarXiv as an open science framework project supplement.5 In addition to laying out the experiments and analysis for NLEIS, we demonstrate how to access and use our open source tools, with the goal of expediting the adoption of this exciting analysis method in battery research.


  1. M. E. Orazem and B. Tribollet, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, p. 523, Wiley, Hoboken, N.J, (2008)
  2. J.R. Wilson, D.T. Schwartz and S.B. Adler, Electrochimica Acta, 51, 1389–1402 (2006).
  3. M. Doyle, J. P. Meyers, and J. Newman, J. Electrochem. Soc., 147, 99–110 (2000).
  4. J. P. Meyers, M. Doyle, R. M. Darling, and J. Newman, J. Electrochem. Soc., 147, 2930–2940 (2000).
  5. M. D. Murbach, V. Hu, and D. T. Schwartz, ECSarXiv (2018) https://ecsarxiv.org/t635x/.
  6. M. D. Murbach and D. T. Schwartz, J. Electrochem. Soc., 165, A297–A304 (2018).
  7. T. Osaka, D. Mukoyama, and H. Nara, Electrochem Soc., 162, A2529–A2537 (2015).