Physicochemical Properties of 1,2,4-Triazolium Perfluorobutanesulfonate As an Archetypal Pure Protic Organic Ionic Plastic Crystal Electrolyte

Saturday, 15 March 2014: 17:00
Grand Ballroom 2, Third Floor (InterContinental Puxi)
J. Luo, N. R. Brooks, J. Sniekers (KU Leuven), A. H. Jensen, Q. Li (Technical University of Denmark), M. Knipper (University of Oldenburg), B. Vanroy, M. Wübbenhorst (KU Leuven), C. Shi, F. Yan (Soochow University), J. Fang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), L. Van Meervelt, K. Binnemans, and J. Fransaer (KU Leuven)


  • E2-0458 (112.0KB) - Abstract Text