Thursday, 23 June 2016
Riverside Center (Hyatt Regency)
Supercritical fluids can offer environmentally benign and facile synthetic conditions for developing new electrode materials of lithium 2nd batteries, owing to their unique physical properties, including low viscosity, fast diffusion, zero surface tension, and tunable physical properties. These factors make supercritical fluids promising media for overcoming some of the barriers associated with other techniques, which include the generation of toxic reaction waste, difficulty in producing nanosize materials, and transport limitations in material synthesis. Recently, we proposed an environmentally benign, supercritical alcohol-based route to produce reduced graphene oxide without the use of reducing agents. Herein, the fabrication of a RGO-based anode electrode with a high rate performance and large capacity by a simple, supercritical alcohol-based route. The control of RGO properties by adjusting the exfoliation and oxidation degree of GO and production of hydrogen-enriched RGO by the reaction of oxygen functionalities on GO with supercritical alcohol can remarkably enhance the lithium storage capacity even at high insertion/deinsertion rates. Supercritical alcohols can provide one-pot deposition route of metal oxide nanoparticles on RGO and simultaneous reduction of GO to RGO. For example, numerous anchor sites facilitating heterogeneous nucleation of metal oxide particles on GO, and extremely fast nucleation due to the supercritical alcohol led ultrafine, well-dispersed metal oxide nanoparticles to anchor to the RGO sheets in a single step. The unique synthetic approach developed herein was very effective for preventing restacking of graphene sheets during reduction, and for tightly anchoring metal oxide nanoparticles to the RGO surface. Various types of metal oxide-RGO composites (SnO2-RGO, Fe3O4-RGO, MoO2-RGO) and metal sulphide-RGO (MoS2-RGO) are synthesized in supercritical alcohols. The characteristics and electrochemical performance of the composite materials are discussed.