Novel Electrolytes for Metal-Air Batteries

Monday, 20 June 2016
Riverside Center (Hyatt Regency)


Ionic liquids (ILs) – salts that are liquid at temperatures below 100°C – show interesting profiles of physical and chemical properties which allows their use as safe electrolytes[1,2,3] in batteries. These properties include tunable viscosities and conductivities, chemical and thermal stability as well as large electrochemical windows, and incombustibility at temperatures below their decomposition point.

Fig. 1: Temperature-dependent influence of additive X on the viscosity of IL-mixtures

In this presentation we will report our latest developments in the field ionic liquid based electrolytes for different types of metal-air batteries. The focus will be the use of mixtures of ionic liquids as well as of mixtures of ionic liquids and solvents in order to increase performance and safety of metal-air batteries.


[1]        M. A. Taige, D. Hilbert, T. J. S. Schubert Z. Phys. Chem. 2012, 226, 129.

[2]        M. Armand, F. Endres, D. R. MacFarlane, H. Ohno, B. Scrosati Nature

          Materials 2009, 8, 621.

[3]        D. Gelman, B. Shvartsev, Y. Ein-Eli J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 20237.