I1 Invited Talks

Lead Organizer: Khalil Amine (Chemical Sciences/Engineering Division, ANL)

Co-organizers: James J. Greenberger (NAATBatt) , Michael M. Thackeray (Argonne) , Doron Aurbach (Bar-Ilan University) , Peter G. Bruce (University of Oxford) , Yi Cui (Stanford University) , Jeff R Dahn (Dalhousie University) , Tien Q. Duong (US Department of energy) , Dominique Guyomard (CNRS-IMN) , Xuejie Huang (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) , Minoru Inaba (Doshisha University) , Juergen Janek (Justus-Liebig-University Giessen) , Ying Shirley Meng (University of California, San Diego) , Linda F Nazar (University of Waterloo) , Petr Novák (Paul Scherrer Institute, Electrochemistry Laboratory) , Zempachi Ogumi (Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation) , Seung M. Oh (Seoul National University) , Tetsuya Osaka (Waseda University) , M Rosa Palacin (ALISTORE-ERI) , Jung-Ki Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) , Bruno Scrosati (Helmholtz Institute Ulm, HIU) , Yang Shao-Horn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) , Yang-Kook Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) , Jean Marie Tarascon (Collège de France) , Josh Thomas (LiFeSiZE AB) , Martin Winter (Helmholtz-Institute Muenster, IEK-12 Juelich) , Atsuo Yamada (ESICB, Kyoto University) , Xiao-Qing Yang (Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory) , Yong Yang (Xiamen University) , Won-Sub Yoon (Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University) and Karim Zaghib (Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Québec (IREQ))

Monday, 20 June 2016


Monday Morning Session
Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Zempachi Ogumi and Yet-Ming Chiang


Monday Afternoon Session
Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Tetsuya Osaka and Josh Thomas

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


Tuesday Morning Session
Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Tien Q. Duong and Linda F Nazar


Tuesday Afternoon Session
Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Doron Aurbach and Michael M. Thackeray

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


Wednesday Morning Session
Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Jeff R Dahn and Yang Shao-Horn


Wednesday Afternoon Session
Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Peter G. Bruce and Peter Lamp

Thursday, 23 June 2016


Thursday Morning Session
Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Clare P. Grey and Dominique Guyomard


Thursday Afternoon Session
Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Kiyoshi Kanamura and Petr Novák

Friday, 24 June 2016


Friday Morning Session
Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Minoru Inaba and Steven J. Visco