Micro-SOFC with High Performance and Fast Thermal-Cycling Ability

Thursday, 30 July 2015: 14:00
Lomond Auditorium (Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre)
K. J. Kim, B. H. Park, S. J. Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)), H. Bae (Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology), and G. M. Choi (Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH))
Due to a limited energy density of Li-ion batteries, miniaturized solid-oxide fuel cells (micro-SOFCs) have received growing attention for use in portable devices or vehicles. Conventional design has adopted a freestanding membrane supported by Si substate and used pure metal electrode which has shown poor thermomechanical-stability. Recently we have developed a new design of micro-SOFC consisting of robust metal support and ceramic-based electrode. Porous stainless-steel (STS) is used as a substrate to support a thin-film membrane electrode assembly (MEA) to achieve thermally-robust cell. A composite of nano-porous (La,Sr)(Ti,Ni)O3 conductor and electrolyte is applied as a contact layer between the macro-porous STS and the thin-film MEA. Excellent performance and thermal cycling ability at or below 550oC  for this novel cell are shown and will be further discussed.