Cell- and Pack-Level Simulation of Large-Format Li-Ion Battery Safety Events
In this work, using commercially available AutoLion™ software, we demonstrate cell- and pack-level electrochemical/thermal coupled simulation of various types of safety events, including nail penetration, external short, and internal short. Figures 1 and 2 highlight two types of such safety simulations performed. Figure 1 gives the peak temperature of all four cells in a four-cell pack nail penetration; this simulation highlighting the hotter temperature of the interior cells during multi-cell short. Figure 2 illustrates the voltage and current response of an externally-shorted 25Ah L-ion ion cell. In our presentation, we elucidate on the physics of these shorts on both the cell- and pack-level, and demonstrate how simulation can be used to screen various cell and pack designs for safe implementation of safe Li-ion battery technologies.
Partial support of this work by DOE CAEBAT2 program is greatly acknowledged.
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