Sapphire Substrate Geometrical Effects on III-N Blue LED Material Properties
In this presentation, we will analyze a set of experiments designed to understand the effect of (0001) sapphire c-plane substrate physical dimensions (thickness, diameter, bow/warp/TTV, edge beveling) and crystal properties (misorientation, surface roughness) on uniformity and reproducibility of constituent LED layers. Our initial studies have found that precisely controlled crystal misorientation (offcut) towards the m-plane is a significant factor influencing wafer-to-wafer peak wavelength variation, GaN surface roughness, and p-doping levels. Quantitative analysis of these results with respect to variation in typical substrate manufacturing capabilities will be presented; the trends are in agreement with the materials characteristics explored in our previous studies [1, 2]. Warp and bow are critical parameters for control over GaN material characteristics. Furthermore, tight control over the total thickness variation (TTV) is needed to obtain highly uniform, repeatable sub-micron dimensions used to create current patterned substrate (PSS) wafers.
[1] D. Lu, D.I. Florescu, D.S. Lee, V. Merai, J.C. Ramer, A. Parekh, and E.A. Armour, “Sapphire substrate misorientation effects on GaN nucleation layer properties”, J. Crystal Growth 272:353, (2004).
[2] D. Lu, D.I. Florescu, D.S. Lee, V. Merai, A. Parekh, J.C. Ramer, S.P. Guo, and E. Armour, “Advanced characterization studies of sapphire substrate misorientation effects on GaN-based LED device development”, Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) 200:71, (2003).