(Invited) Non-Equilibrium Transport Theory Applied to Nano Electronics Problems

Wednesday, 8 October 2014: 15:40
Expo Center, 1st Floor, Universal 5 (Moon Palace Resort)
Y. Asai and H. Nakamura (Nanosystem Research Institute (NRI), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
Atomistic non-equilibrium transport theory has been developed a lot in a bit different community than the nano-electronics, i.e., the atomic and molecular junctions community.[1] The NEGF (non-equilibrium Green function) method has been combined with first principle electronic structure methods, which has become a standard tool in nano-electronics, too, nowadays. After making a brief overview of the latest progresses obtained in non-equilibrium transport theory including the heat problem and the noise problem, we will discuss some results obtained in our nano-electronics research. The subject of our discussions includes channel and electrode materials dependence of transport properties of some resistive RAM junctions. [2]
[1] Yoshihiro Asai, “Nonequilibrium phonon effects on transport properties through atomic and molecular bridge junctions”, Phys. Rev. B 78, 045434 (2008).
[2] Takehide Miyazaki, Hisao Nakamura, Kengo Nishio, Hisashi Shima, Hiroyuki Akinaga, and Yoshihiro Asai, ”First-Principles Transport Modeling for Metal/Insulator/Metal Structures”, JPS Conf. Proc. , 012075 (2014).

The authors would like to thank to Drs. Takehide MIYAZAKI, Kengo NISHIO, Hisashi SHIMA, and Hiroyuki AKINAGA for their collaborations and discussions.