Thermal and Plasma CVD of Nanostructures I

Tuesday, 7 October 2014: 08:00-11:50
Expo Center, 2nd Floor, Beta Room (Moon Palace Resort)
U. Cvelbar , Mahendra Kumar Sunkara and Mohan Sankaran
Invited: Non-Equilibrium Effects of Non-Equilibrium Plasmas: From Nanoscale Synthesis to Applications in Energy and Medicine
K. Ostrikov (CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering, Queensland University of Technology)
Invited: In Situ Characterization of Plasma Assisted Hydrogenation/Fluorination of Graphene and CFx Battery Applications
R. Jayasinghe, G. U. Sumanasekera (University of Louisville), A. K. Thapa (University of Louisville, Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research), and B. Pradhan (Nanoholdings)
Invited: iCVD Synthesis of Polymer Electrolytes for Application in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs)
Y. Y. Smolin, C. Y. Hsieh, S. Nejati, M. Soroush, and K. K. S. Lau (Drexel University)
Invited: Atmospheric-Pressure Plasmas Processes for Third Generation Photovoltaics
D. Mariotti, S. Askari, S. Mitra (University of Ulster), V. Svrcek (AIST), T. Belmonte (Université de Lorraine - Institut Jean Lamour), and P. Maguire (University of Ulster)
Invited: Nanopartilce Composite Plasma CVD Films and Some Applications
M. Shiratani and K. Koga (Kyushu University)
Invited: Advantages of Plasma Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanowires
G. Filipič and U. Cvelbar (Jozef Stefan international postgraduate school, Jozef Stefan Institute)