Effects of Substrate Composition on Morphology and Growth of Porous Oxide Layers

Tuesday, October 13, 2015: 16:30
102-B (Phoenix Convention Center)
H. Tsuchiya, M. S. Kim, T. Erami, Y. Otani (Osaka University), and S. Fujimoto (Osaka University)
Nanostructured materials have attracted much attention in various application fields due to their unique size-dependent properties. In addition to characterize their structures and to evaluate their properties, therefore, research efforts have targeted the fabrication process of nanostructured materials. Electrochemical anodization is one of the most straightforward approaches to fabricate nanostructured materials and, leads to the formation of highly ordered nanoporous or nanotubular oxide layers on various metallic substrates in self-organized manner under optimized condition. For examples, nanoporous oxide layers are formed on aluminum in suitable acidic electrolytes while on the other valve metals such as titanium and zirconium nanotubular oxide layers are obtained. So far a variety of electrochemical conditions such as electrolyte composition, pH and applied potential have been extensively studied. The present work focus on substrate composition, that is, we examine the growth and morphology of oxide layers formed on various alloy substrates.