D03 Poster Session

Tuesday, October 13, 2015: 18:00-20:00
West Hall 1 (Phoenix Convention Center)
Meng Tao
Comparison of Different TiO2 Phase Structures and Morphologies on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
T. C. Tsui, W. Han (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), and K. L. Yeung (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Intense Pulsed Light Annealing of Perovskite Solar Cells
B. W. Lavery, T. Druffel, G. Draper (University of Louisville), and M. K. Sunkara (University of Louisville)
Concept and Nanostructure Control of Plasmonic Porous Silicon Solar Cells
K. Murakami (Tokyo Institute of Technology), K. Yamada, A. Fave (Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INSA-Lyon)), and M. Ihara (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Fabrication and Characterization of Hybrid Solar Cells Based on Perovskite Materials
T. M. Abdel-Fattah (Applied Research Center, Jefferson National Lab), S. Ebrahim, M. Soliman, M. Anas (Alexandria University), and E. Moustafa (Alexandria University)
Perovskite Based Solar Cells with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs)/Carbon Back Contact
T. M. Abdel-Fattah (Applied Research Center, Jefferson National Lab), S. Ebrahim, W. Ramadan, M. Nofal (Alexandria University), and M. Soliman (Alexandria University)