Impedance Methods and Applications

Wednesday, October 14, 2015: 14:00-17:40
Borein A (Hyatt Regency)
Petr Vanýsek and Mark E. Orazem
Development of Equivalent Circuits for Litihum-Air Battery Impedance Using Mixed and Isolated Diffusion Models (Cancelled)
Molecularly Tethered Cholesterol Oxidase on Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes for Indirect Detection of Cholesterol
J. N. Ashby (Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia) and R. P. Ramasamy (College of Engineering, University of Georgia)
Analysis of Shunt Currents and Associated Corrosion of Bipolar Plates in PEM Fuel Cells (Cancelled)
Interpretation of Complex Capacitance Using Equivalent Circuit Involving Constant Phase Element
Y. Hoshi, K. Tabei, I. Shitanda (Tokyo University of Science), and M. Itagaki (Tokyo University of Science)
Suitable Position of Reference Electrode in Three-Electrode Cell for Impedance Measurements in Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Battery Investigated By Finite Element Method
Y. Hoshi, Y. Narita, K. Honda, T. Ohtaki, I. Shitanda (Tokyo University of Science), and M. Itagaki (Tokyo University of Science)
Time Domain Analysis on Current Response of Equivalent Circuit Involving Constant Phase Element
M. Itagaki, S. Suzuki (Tokyo Unicersity of Science), Y. Hoshi (Tokyo University of Science), and I. Shitanda (Tokyo University of Science)
Influence of Probe Size and Probe Position for Local Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
V. Vivier, M. D. A. Camila (LISE - UMR 8235), C. P. Abreu (LISE - UMR 8235), I. Costa (IPEN/CNEN-SP, Brazil), H. G. de Melo (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, USP), and M. Keddam (LISE - UMR 8235)
Finite Elements Approach to Predicting Impedance Response of Geometrically Convoluted Samples
P. Vanýsek (CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology), P. Vyroubal (Brno University of Technology), V. Novák (CEITEC), and J. Haňka (Brno Institute of Technology)
On the Dielectric Properties of Human Skin
M. E. Orazem (University of Florida) and A. Bunge (Colorado School of Mines)
Contribution of Surface Roughness to Constant-Phase Element (CPE) Behavior
C. L. Alexander, B. Tribollet (CNRS-LISE), and M. E. Orazem (University of Florida)