Synthesis and Characterization of α-MnO2/Graphene Nanocomposites for Applications to  in High Performance Super Capacitors

Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Grand Ballroom (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
R. Singhal, P. Lemaire, and A. Omidwar (Central Connecticut State University)
In recent years, supercapacitors have attracted a lot of attention due to their applications in portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, digital camera and also for power applications in hybrid electric vehicles, engine start, and solar energy storage, etc. [1-3]. Transition metal oxides and carbon materials are widely being used in supercapacitors. Among transition metal oxides, MnO2 has been one of the most studied electrode materials because of its cost effectiveness, natural abundance and environmental compatibility. In spite of its various advantages, MnO2 in its pure state is not very useful for supercapacitor applications because of its poor electrical conductivity and electrochemical dissolution upon cycling. On the other hand, graphene has drawn considerable interest because of its ultrahigh surface area (up to 2630 m2/g), and excellent conductivity. Up to now, composites of graphene and MnO2 have been used to improve their capacitance.

We have synthesized hetero-structured - nanorods using the low temperature hydrothermal technique [4]. Finally -/graphene nanocomposite was synthesized by sonochemical co-precipitation method as reported earlier [5]. Graphene oxide power, suspended in sulfuric acid solution (1mg/ml), and manganese sulfate (dissolved in sulfuric acid) were mixed together and potassium permanganate solution was added to this solution drop by drop. After 2 hours -/graphene nanocomposite was filtered using centrifuge, washed with DI water and ethanol and dried. The phase structure of - nanorods and -/graphene nanocomposites were studied using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results of physical, thermal and electrochemical characterization of -/graphene nanocomposite will be presented during 231st Electrochemical Society Meeting.


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