(Invited) Functionalization and Environmental Dependent Emission Properties of Photoluminescent Defect States in Carbon Nanotubes

Tuesday, 30 May 2017: 14:00
Churchill B1 (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
S. K. Doorn, X. He, N. F. Hartmann (MPA-CINT, Los Alamos National Laboratory), B. Gifford (North Dakota State University), S. Tretiak (Los Alamos National Laboratory), H. Htoon (MPA-CINT, Los Alamos National Laboratory), G. Bullad (Duke University), J. H. Olivier, and M. J. Therien (Dept. of Chemistry, Duke University)
Red-shifted emitting states in carbon nanotubes, introduced by chemically stable and tunable covalently-bound dopants,1,2 are gaining attention for their potential to boost photoluminescence quantum yields,1,2 add new functionality,3,4 and serve as single photon emitters.5 These sites present a rich array of new photophysics, with dependences on specific functionalization chemistry and environmental interactions. As examples, we will present low-T photoluminescence (PL) probes of defect-state electronic structure for sp3 defects introduced by aryl functionalization and compare to quantum chemical theory and to earlier studies on oxygen-introduced defects.6 Environmental effects on both low-T spectroscopy and ensemble-level relaxation dynamics7 will also be presented. In particular, dielectric environment is found to significantly impact PL relaxation times in contrasting ways, enabling further understanding of relaxation mechanisms and how they relate to spectroscopic observables. Finally, control over chemical functionality and dielectric environment will be shown as routes for optimizing single photon emission behaviors, in agreement with earlier theoretical results.8


1. Ghosh, S. et al., Science, 330, 1656 (2010).

2. Piao, Y. et al., Nature Chem., 5, 840 (2013).

3. Kwon, H. et al., J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 3733 (2015).

4. Akizuki, N. et al., Nature Comm., 6, 8920 (2015).

5. Ma, X. et al., Nature Nanotech., 10, 671 (2015).

6. Ma, X. et al., ACS Nano, 8, 10782 (2014).

7. Hartmann, N. et al., ACS Nano, 10, 8355 (2016).

8. Hartmann, N. et al., Nanoscale, 7, 20521 (2015).