(Invited) Electron-Donor Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene

Monday, 29 May 2017: 14:40
Churchill A1 (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
L. M. Arellano (Univ. Castilla-la Mancha), M. Barrejon (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), M. Vizuete (Univ. Castilla-la Mancha), M. J. Gomez-Escalonilla, and F. Langa (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
Carbon nanostructures (CNs) as carbon nanotubes or graphene present unique electronic properties appropriate for the synthesis of custom-made hybrids by functionalization with other electroactive fragments. In this way, the behaviour of CNs as electron acceptor by covalent or supramolecular functionalization of carbon nanotubes and graphene with electron-donating molecules has been object of great interest as the resulting hybrids can be target of interest for solar energy conversion and many CNs-donor hybrids has been described.

Nevertheless, much less work has been devoted to the role of CNs as electron donors by formation of hybrids with strong electron acceptors; in this way, along the last years we have prepared several covalent or supramolecular hybrids between single wall carbon nanotubes, carbon nanohorns or graphene with fullerene derivatives. In this talk, I´ll present our last findings in the synthesis and properties of CN-electron acceptor hybrids.


1. M. Vizuete, M. J. Gómez-Escalonilla, J. L. G. Fierro, M, Yudasaka, S. Iijima, M. Vartanian, J. Lehl, J-F Nierengarten, F. Langa, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 12771-12773

2. M. Vizuete, M. Barrejón, M. J. Gómez-Escalonilla and F. Langa, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 4370-4381.

3. M. Barrejón, M. Vizuete, M. J. Gómez-Escalonilla, J. L. G. Fierro, I. Berlanga, F. Zamora, G. Abellán, P. Atienzar, J.-F. Nierengarten, H. García and F. Langa, Chem. Commun, 2014, 50, 9053-9055.

4. M. Barrejón, H. Gobeze, M. J. Gómez-Escalonilla, J. L. G. Fierro, M. Zhang, M. Yudasaka, S. Iijima, F. D’Souza, F. Langa. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 14716–14724.