Evaluation of the Electrolyte Charge Process and the Operation Process of a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery with Potentiostatic and Galvanostatic Perturbations in Different Volume Schemes

Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Grand Ballroom (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
R. Ribadeneira Paz and C. A. Mora Mera (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín)
The energy storage technologies are primordial for the working of several applications at high power density and low power density. Particularly, for intermediate and big electric applications and grid administration and support, which need high power density such as auxiliary power units, the vanadium redox flow batteries are an interesting option for the energy storage because of their low cost compared with more complex systems, durability, independence between energy density and power, large discharge time and their relatively simplicity in components considering their material constituents and well behaved - chemical internal processes [1-2].

In this work, a simple laboratory prototype of a vanadium redox flow battery with spectroscopy carbon electrodes is utilized to test two classic electrochemical perturbations, a potentiostatic perturbation and a galvanostatic perturbation in the charge of electrolytes process and in the operation of the battery, also using three different volume schemes, aiming to establish the best way to transfer charge in the preliminary electrolyte charge process and in the operation of the battery.

As main results, it is found that the battery has a better electrolyte charge process and a better operation process with the potentiostatic perturbation with a volume ratio of 2:1 between the anodic compartment and cathodic compartment. Also a comparison of the state of charge of this battery and the charge/discharge curves with others in literature is achieved, showing a good behavior of the tested conditions [3-7].

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