The objective of this work is to experimentally investigate the impacts of varying current pulse amplitudes on the lithium ion battery materials. This method consists of constant width charging, rest period and the applied current is decreased as the charging progress. Implementing the pulsed currents of different amplitudes on cathodic (Lithium Iron Phosphate) and anodic (Graphite and Li 4Ti5O12) half cells separately creates varied impacts on the electrode materials. The results of charging time and overall cycle life are then compared with conventional charging method.
Figures 1 and 2 show the constant current and a portion of pulsed current profile that are used in the analysis. In this experiment, pulsed current profile is controlled by varying the duty cycle, relaxation periods are included in between pulses and current amplitudes are reduced as the charging progress. EIS, SEM and XRD are used in analyzing the impacts of both the charging protocols on the lithium ion cells.
[1] B. K. Purushothaman and U. Landau, “Rapid Charging of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Pulsed Currents A Theoretical Analysis,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 153, no. 3, pp. A533–A542, Mar. 2006.