We have recently demonstrated that high-quality, few-layer BP nanosheets, with controllable size and observable photoluminescence, can be produced in large quantities by liquid phase exfoliation under ambient conditions.1 Beyond this success, a more sophisticated chemical modification is highly desirable, like the molecular doping, that is an effective and flexible method towards modulating the electronic properties of 2D materials. Herein, we have developed a chemical route for the non-covalent functionalization of BP with different moieties, including electron-withdrawing organic molecules or tailor-made surfactants.2 Moreover we have extended these concepts towards a new 2D material: antimonene, creating stable suspensions in water and developing its non-covalent functionalization.3
1) D. Hanlon, C. Backes, E. Doherty, C. S. Cucinotta, N. C. Berner, C. Boland, K. Lee, A. Harvey, P. Lynch, Z. Gholamvand, S. F. Zhang, K. P. Wang, G. Moynihan, A. Pokle, Q. M. Ramasse, N. McEvoy, W. J. Blau, J. Wang, G. Abellan, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch, S. Sanvito, D. D. O’Regan, G. S. Duesberg, V. Nicolosi, J. N. Coleman, Nat. Commun. 2015, 6, 8563.
2) G. Abellán, V. Lloret, U. Mundloch, M. Marcia, C. Neiss, A. Görling, M. Varela, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch, Angew. Chem. In. Ed., 2016, 55 (47), 14557.
3) C. Gibaja, D. Rodriguez-San-Miguel, P. Ares, J. Gómez-Herrero, M. Varela, R. Gillen, J. Maultzsch, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch, G. Abellán, F. Zamora, Angew. Chem. In. Ed., 2016, 55 (46), 14345.