By decreasing the particle size, we successfully demonstrated that not only MXenes but also their precursors - MAX phases, such as Ti2SC and Ti3SiC2, exhibit Li-ion storage capacity and show promise as LIB anode materials. Capacities of 180 and 150 mAh g−1 were achieved by submicrometer size Ti2SC and Ti3SiC2, respectively, accompanied by good cycle life and excellent rate performance.11 It opens the door to exploring a large family of potential anode materials.
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8. Mashtalir, O.; Naguib, M.; Mochalin, V. N.; Dall’Agnese, Y.; Min, H.; Barsoum, M. W.; Gogotsi, Y., Intercalation and delamination of layered carbides and carbonitrides. Nature communications 2013, 4 (2), 216-219.
9. Luo, J.; Tao, X.; Zhang, J.; Xia, Y.; Huang, H.; Zhang, L.; Gan, Y.; Liang, C.; Zhang, W., Sn4+ Ions Decorated Highly Conductive Ti3C2 MXene: Promising Lithium-Ion Anodes with Enhanced Volumetric Capacity and Cyclic Performance. ACS Nano 2016, 10 (2).
10. Ren, C. E.; Zhao, M. Q.; Makaryan, T.; Halim, J.; Boota, M.; Kota, S.; Anasori, B.; Barsoum, M. W.; Gogotsi, Y., Porous Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Carbide (MXene) Flakes for High-Performance Li-Ion Storage. ChemElectroChem 2016, 3 (5), 689-693.
11. J. Xu, M.-Q. Zhao, Y. Wang, W. Yao, C. Chen, B. Anasori, A. Sarycheva, C. E. Ren, T. Mathis, L. Gomes, Z. Liang, Y. Gogotsi, Demonstration of Li-ion capacity of MAX phases, ACS Energy Letters, 2016, 1, 1094−1099.