Flow distribution is a scaling concern in all flow battery systems both on a cell to cell level within a stack and within an individual cell. This investigation utilizes the all iron chemistry to investigate the effects of flow distribution within a single cell on cell performance and the pressure drop associated pumping costs of achieving a more even flow distribution within a cell. These effects are considered in the context of transitioning from a 50cm2 lab scale cell to a 1100cm2 commercial scale prototype. An optimization can be achieved between flow uniformity and pumping losses.
Hydrogen evolution is a parasitic reaction in many chemistries that can have a significant effect on lifetime. We have developed a simple in-tank system that captures and re-oxidizes hydrogen to maintain electrolyte stability and demonstrated this concept on a laboratory scale.[5] This investigation looks into scaling considerations and their effect on the hydrogen recombination system. Specifically, the relationship between head space, gas recirculation and the effectiveness of the reactor are considered.
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