Redox flow batteries (RFBs) are a standout EES candidate3. Unlike in a traditional solid-state battery, in an RFB, electrolytes are stored external to the electrode; as such, RFBs enjoy good efficiency, durability, and safety. More notably, RFBs see independently designable power and energy capacity. Further flexibility is possible in both redox chemistries and cell/stack design.
At the same time, the breadth of possible innovations for RFBs tends to confound the question of cost-effectiveness. Indeed, to evaluate a new RFB for the grid requires either risky scale-up ventures (for experimental studies) or a comprehensive, generalizable model (for theoretical studies). We present the latter, with characterization of: activation overpotential in reaction networks, ohmic overpotential in concentrated electrolytes, concentration overpotential in different membrane-electrode configurations; as well as stack losses. Requisite characteristic parameters can be validated by independent experimental measurements. We also validate our overall model for a range of chemistries, layouts, and scales (Figure 1). In doing so, we demonstrate nearly instantaneous screening of new designs, an indispensable approach to both inform and direct future RFB development.
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