(Invited) Ion Intercalation and High Temperature Behavior of 2D Materials

Wednesday, 4 October 2017: 08:30
Chesapeake E (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
L. Hu (University of Maryland Energy Research Center)
I will discuss our recent progress on engineering of 2D materials, with a focus on metal ion intercalation and ultra-high temperature treatment (up to 3000-3500K). We developed a nano-battery platform that allows in situ measurement of optical, electrical and structure changes of 2D materials during ion intercalations. We used the nano-battery setup to investigate various properties of 2D materials upon ion intercalation, including Li+, Na+ and K+. Dramatic increases in both transmittance and conductivity were reported, which leads to the highest figure of merit (FOM) for transparent conductor applications. We also extended the knowledge to printed reduced graphene oxide network toward large-scale applications. In a separated topic, I will discuss our effort in the past three years on high temperature material behavior for reduced graphene oxide (RGO) networks. High-temperature stability of RGO networks allows us to uniquely engineer them for a range of emerging applications, such as 3D printed rapid heaters and highly conductive RGO paper as lightweight battery current collectors.


Keywords: Ion intercalation, Optoelectronics, Nano batteries, 2D materials, 3000K, 3D printing, High conductivity

[1] Chen, Y.; Fu, K.; Zhu, S.; Luo, W.; Wang, Y.; Li, Y.; Hitz, E.; Yao, Y.; Dai, J.; Wan, J.; Danner, V.; Li, T.; Hu, L.* Reduced Graphene Oxide Films With An Ultra-High Conductivity as Li-ion Battery Current Collectors, Nano Letter, Accepted

[2]Yao, Y.; Fu, K.; Yan, C.; Dai, J.; Chen, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, B.; Hitz, E.; Hu, L.* 3D Printable High-Temperature and High-Rate Heaters, ACS Nano, Accepted

[3] Bao, W.; Pickel, A.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, Y.; Yao, Y.; Wan, J.; Fu, Kun.; Wang, Y.; Dai, J.; Zhu, H.; Drew, D.; Fuhrer, M.; Dames, Chris.; Hu, L. Flexible, High Temperature, Planar Lighting with Large Scale Printable Nanocarbon Paper, Advanced Materials, Accepted, Front Inside Cover.

[4] Lacey, S.; Wan, J.; Wald Cresce, A.; Russell, S.; Dai, J.; Bao, W.; Xu, K.; Hu, L. Atomic Force Microscopy Studies on Molybdenum Disulfide Flakes as Sodium-Ion Anodes, Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 1018.

[5] Wan, J.; Gu, F.; Bao, W.; Dai, J.; Shen, F.; Luo, W.; Han, X.; Urban, D.; Hu, L. Sodium-ion Intercalated Transparent Conductors with Printed Reduced Graphene Oxide Networks, Nano Letter, 2015, 15, 3763

[6] Wan, J.; Bao, W.; Liu, Y.; Dai, J.; Shen, F.; Zhou, L.; Cai, X.; Urban, D.; Li, Y.; Juangjohann, K.; Fuhrer, M.; Hu, L. In Situ Investigations of Li-MoS2 with Planar Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2014, 1, 1401742.

[7] Bao, W.; Wan, J.; Han, X.; Cai, X.; Zhu, H.; Kim, D.; Ma, D.; Munday, J.; Drew, D.; Fuhrer, M.; Hu, L. Approaching the Limits of Transparency and Conductivity in Graphitic Materials through Lithium Intercalation, Nature Communications, 2014, 5, 4224.