(Invited) 2D Transition Metal Carbides (MXenes) in Flow-Assisted Electrochemical Energy and Water Technologies

Monday, 2 October 2017: 08:00
National Harbor 10 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
B. Akuzum, L. Agartan, E. C. Kumbur, and Y. Gogotsi (Drexel University)
In recent years, 2D transition metal carbides, also known as MXenes, have attracted much attention and found applications in many different areas due to their unique physical structure and properties [1]. Previous studies have also shown that MXene can exhibit excellent potential for electrochemical energy storage and water treatment applications due to its high electronic conductivity, good chemical and structural stability, and high surface area [1-2]. More recently, our group has found significant potential in utilization of MXene electrodes for flow-assisted electrochemical systems such as capacitive deionization (CDI) and electrochemical flow capacitors (EFCs). For CDI, along with high conductivity and surface area, hydrophilicity of MXenes seems to work well for better pore accessibility. Similarly, easy dispersability in water and high surface charge for solution stability were also found to enable much higher active material loading for flowable electrode systems, which can open up a new plethora of possibilities. In this talk, some of our most recent work on these systems, potentials for further improvement, and some of the potential drawbacks will be discussed. 


[1] Anasori, B., Lukatskaya, M. R., & Gogotsi, Y. (2017). Nature Reviews Materials2, 16098.

[2] Lipatov, A., Alhabeb, M., Lukatskaya, M. R., Boson, A., Gogotsi, Y., & Sinitskii, A. (2016). Advanced Electronic Materials2(12), 1600255.