We have observed that the flow-through flow field configuration exhibited the lowest mass-transport resistance, highest limiting current, and the lowest electrical contact resistance with the electrode (Figure 1). However, the flow-through designs entail high pressure drop across the electrode compared to the columnar and interdigitated designs. For a given electrode structure, the diffusion layer thickness at the surface of the electrode was dependent on the flow configurations. The porosity and surface area of the electrode structures was modified by incorporation of nano-structured carbon coatings. An optimal design combines an electrode with the highest available surface area, low pressure drop, and minimal diffusion layer thickness. The rational design of such an optimal combination of electrode and flow properties is rendered possible by the measurements and mathematical analysis carried out in this study.
The Authors acknowledge the financial support for this research from ARPA-E Open-FOA program (DE-AR0000337), the University of Southern California, and the Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute.
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