Electrochemical Thermoelectric Coefficient of Prussian Blue Analogues

Monday, 14 May 2018: 08:00
Room 604 (Washington State Convention Center)
Y. Fukuzumi, W. Kobayashi, H. Niwa, and Y. Moritomo (University of Tsukuba)
The electrochemical thermoelectric coefficient (SEC = dV/dT, where V and T are the redox potential and temperature, respectively) is a significant material parameter, which enables thermal power generation with use of thermocell during heat cycles. Recently, the thermal power generation has been demonstrated using two kinds of Prussian blue analogues (PBAs) with different SEC[1]. To realize the thermocell with high efficiency, the SEC values are systematically investigated for three PBAs, NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]0.71 (NCF71), NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]0.90 (NCF90), and NaxMn[Fe(CN)6]0.83 (NMF83) against sodium concentration (x).

The figure shows the discharge curve (the black solid line) and SEC against x (the orange closed circles) of NCF90. The discharge curve shows two plateaus regions (plateaus II and III) around 3.8 and 3.2 V. Plateau II is ascribed to the reaction [2]: Co3+[Fe3+(CN)6]0.6[Fe2+(CN)6]0.3+ 0.6Na+ → Na0.6Co3+[Fe2+(CN)6]0.9. Plateau III is ascribed to the reaction[2]: Na0.6Co3+[Fe2+(CN)6]0.9 + Na+ → Na1.6Co2+[Fe2+(CN)6]0.9. Thus the plateau II (the plateau III) on the discharge curve means reduction process of Fe3+ (Co3+)[2]. On the other hand, SEC distributes around 0.4 mV K-1 (1.4 mV K-1) in the plateau II (the plateau III). Therefore, it is suggested that SEC significantly depend on the redox site. In the presentation, we also report SEC of NCF71 and NMF83 and discuss the material and redox site dependences of SEC by using ionic model (point charge model) approach.

[1] T. Shibata, Y. Fukuzumi, W. Kobayashi, Y. Moritomo, submitted.

[2] R. L. Magnússon, W. Kobayashi, M. Takachi Y. Moritomo, AIP adv. 7 045002 (2017).