When a DC voltage (V) is applied to an Ohmic electrode connected to 2DEG at AlGaN/GaN interface, the entire epi-layer will depleted (t=0+) and a charge of Qcap (=CcapV) will appear at both electrodes. At steady state (t=∞), the depletion layer shrinks back depending on the active defect concentration. The thickness of the depletion layer (z) can be extracted by the charges (Qdep), which is the integral of current until the steady state is reached using the Cdep =QdepV-1 relation. Since we have the relation between V and z, the defect density profile at the position x, ρ(x), can be extracted using eq.1. Where q and ε are the elementary charge and the dielectric constant of GaN, respectively.
Figure 2 demonstrates the defect density profile extracted with the proposed method on AlGaN/GaN/buffer structure on a Si substrate. Here, buffer was used to reduce defect density. A distinctive change in the defect profile can be seen at x=4μm, which corresponds to the position where the epitaxial process has been changed.
In summary, a novel method to extract the defect density profile in the GaN epi-wafer has been proposed.