Fast and One-Pot Reductive Deposition of Continuous Uio-66 Films

Monday, 10 October 2022: 15:20
Room 301 (The Hilton Atlanta)
S. Xie (KU Leuven, Department of Materials Engineering), X. Zhang (KU Leuven, Department of Materials Engineering,), and J. Fransaer (KU Leuven, Department of Materials Engineering)
UiO-66 (UiO stands for the University of Olso) film membrane is promising for molecular/ion separations owing to its sub-nano-sized pore apertures and superior chemical stability among the metal-organic framework (MOF) family, but the preparation of it remains difficult and challenging up to now. Here we report a fast and one-pot reductive deposition approach to the high-quality UiO-66 film coatings. In the deposition, the nitrate anions are introduced as pro-bases to accelerate the deprotonation of the ditopic linker-H2BDC (1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid), which renders the continuous UiO-66 films coating in an hour. Importantly, the morphology of the deposited UiO-66 films can be well-tuned by the molar ratio of the ditopic linker to monotopic modulator because of their completing deprotonation process. The continuous, intergrown, and crystalline UiO-66 films can be obtained at optimized conditions (i.e., deposition temperature at 120 ℃, and the molar ratio of the linker to the modulator of 1:120). Besides, the proposed reductive deposition is also feasible for the fabrication of the analogues of UiO-66 with distinct ligands, like the Zr-fumaric films and Zr-naph (naph is the 1,4-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid) films. These deposited films can be prospective separation mediums for molecular sieving.