In this paper, we discuss our recent research development in IGZO-based techniques at both device and circuit levels. This includes nanowire structure for IGZO-based transistors, as well as the BEOL-compatible ferroelectric ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM) and embedded dynamic random-access-memory (eDRAM) for compute-in-memory (CiM) using IGZO-based transistors.
A novel digital etch technique for amorphous IGZO (α-IGZO) material as well as the formation of α-IGZO nanowires were realized, enabling high performance α-IGZO nanowire field-effect transistors (NWFETs) with ultra-scaled nanowire width (WNW) [2]. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of α-IGZO nanowire before and after the digital etch show that the nanowire structure as well as WNW reduction after digital etch can be clearly observed. The smallest α-IGZO nanowire after digital etch has a WNW of ~20 nm. By leveraging the ultra-scaled nanowire structure, the NWFET with the smallest WNW achieves decent subthreshold swing of 80 mV/decade as well as high peak extrinsic transconductance (Gm,ext) of 612 μS/μm at a drain to source voltage (VDS) = 2 V (456 μS/μm at VDS = 1 V). As compared with previous works in literature, our IGZO NWFET achieves one of the highest peak Gm among all IGZO-based FETs.
α-IGZO ferroelectric FETs (Fe-FETs) with a metal-ferroelectric-metal-oxide-semiconductor (MFMIS) structure were further realized based on the α-IGZO transistor process modules. The smallest LCH is as small as 40 nm. The cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of the device shows sharp interface. The α-IGZO Fe-FETs achieve a large memory window of 2.9 V, high endurance of 108 cycles, high conductance ratio, and small cycle-to-cycle variation. By leveraging the low temperature processed α-IGZO Fe-FETs with good electrical characteristics, a BEOL-compatible ferroelectric TCAM circuit with 2 Fe-FETs connected in parallel was realized [3], showing an extremely large sensing margin. In addition, such α-IGZO Fe-FET TCAM reduces the transistor number from 16 to 2 as compared to traditional SRAM-based TCAM. Smaller cell size and higher energy efficiency can also be obtained.
IGZO transistors can play an important role in in-memory computing as well. SEM image of the eDRAM CiM cell shows utilization of IGZO transistors. The smallest device has LCH of 45 nm [4]. The IGZO transistor-based eDRAM CiM with differential cell structure achieves low leakage current, low variation, low charge loss sensitivity, and the control-friendly charge-domain computing without DC power. By evaluating the key figure-of-merits, including precision, power efficiency, computing density, retention time, and robustness, it can be concluded that our IGZO transistor-based eDRAM CiM is promising for low-power and scalable compute-in-eDRAM design.
Acknowledgments: This work is supported by Singapore Ministry of Education (Tier 2: MOE2018-T2-2-154, Tier 1: R-263-000-D65-114).
References: [1] K. Normura et al., Nature, 432 (7016), 488-492, 2004. [2] K. Han et al., VLSI, 2021, p. T10-1. [3] C. Sun et al., VLSI, 2021, p. T7-4. [4] J. Liu et al., IEDM, 2021, p. 462.