UV Emission of Boron Nitride Nanolayer Induced By Electronic Beam with Variable Energy of Electrons

Monday, 10 October 2022: 15:00
Room 212 (The Hilton Atlanta)
A. Luis-Matos, M. S. Sultan, F. Florez, I. Castillo, W. Ortiz, M. Sajjad (University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus), F. Mendoza (University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez), W. Jadwisienczak (Ohio University), V. Makarov, B. Weiner, and G. Morell (University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus)
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is a layered honeycomb structure with weak van der waals interactions. It is composed of alternating boron and nitrogen atoms with a large band gap ~5.97eV, hence its excellent electrical insulating properties. BN has potential application as an ultraviolet emission photodetector due to its high absorption coefficient for a wavelength around 220 nm. BN offers several attractive features, such as chemical inertness and long-term stability when operated under high-intensity UV radiation and at high operating temperatures. Also, thin film of h-BN has been encountered to produce near ultraviolet emission at around 300-395 nm in heterojunction with graphene when deposited on Cu substrate. UV radiation generation may be induced by EFE with quantum yield of about 0.092±0.011 or by sample surface bombardment by accelerated electronic beam. In this work, we studied optical, electron field emission (EFE) and UV luminescence (UVL) properties of h-BN thin films deposited on the fused silica and Cu substrates. Luminescence quantum yield with a value of 0.136±0.009 was measured for the sample of 25.3 nm thickness deposited on the fused silica substrate. EFE data were obtained for three samples with different thickness. UVL induced by EFE and electron beam bombardment of the samples surface were measured as function of the applied potential difference. It was found that UVL induced by sample surface bombardment using electron beam with different electron energy has maximum in electron energy function, where position of such maximum is dependent of the thin film thickness. Estimated maximum value of UVL quantum yield in this case is around 0.243±0.012. Obtained results allow to consider h-BN thin films as potential UV radiation source, where UV radiation is induced by accelerated electronic beam.