Here, we review our recent work on novel oxide TFTs that show a few desirable properties. Rather than using an ohmic metal contact as the source electrode, a high work-function Schottky source contact enables depletion around the TFT source region, which results in intrinsic immunity to the negative bias illumination stress, no obvious short channel effect, and superb current saturation over a wide range of drain voltage1. The flat saturation current gives rise to an extremely high voltage gain reaching 23,000, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest gain ever achieved by a solid-state transistor to date. The threshold voltage is also found to remain stable under different drain voltages, in contrast to standard TFTs, which may be useful in larger-area displays where the drain voltages of the drive TFTs can differ2. Furthermore, the depletion provided by the Schottky source electrode allows utilizing semi-metal ITO to replace IGZO as the TFT channel layer, which significantly enhances the carrier mobility and current driving capability. Other related work may also be discussed in the talk including oxide Schottky diodes operating beyond 10 GHz3, oxide TFTs operating beyond 1 GHz4, significantly enhanced carrier mobility by self-assembled monolayer treatment5,6, and CMOS-like oxide-based logic circuits7,8.
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- Significant performance enhancement of very thin InGaZnO thin-film transistors by a self-assembled monolayer treatment, W Cai, J Wilson, J Zhang, J Brownless, X Zhang, LA Majewski, A Song, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 (1), 301-308 (2020).
- Complementary integrated circuits based on p-type SnO and n-type IGZO thin-film transistors, Y Li, J Yang, Y Wang, P Ma, Y Yuan, J Zhang, Z Lin, L Zhou, Q Xin, Aimin Song, IEEE Electron Device Letters 39 (2), 208-211 (2017).
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