Process Optimization to Reduce Power in HfO2-Based Rram Devices for in-Memory Computing

Monday, 10 October 2022: 10:50
Room 310 (The Hilton Atlanta)
A. Zeinati, D. Misra (New Jersey Institute of Technology), D. H. Triyoso (TEL Technology Center, America, LLC), R. Clark (Tokyo Electron America Ltd), K. Tapily, S. Consiglio, C. S. Wajda, and G. J. Leusink (TEL Technology Center, America, LLC)
Recently, HfO2-based resistive random-access memory (RRAM) devices have shown promise as candidates for in-memory computing applications. By engineering the distribution of defects or oxygen vacancies, the switching dielectric can potentially enable low power switching and multi-conductance levels. A higher concentration of oxygen vacancies closer to the top electrode a two-terminal RRAM device with a HfO2/Al2O3 bilayer structure reduces switching energy (1). Introducing excess oxygen vacancies near the top electrode through a hydrogen plasma treatment with a Ru as top electrode reduces the switching power of the device (2).

In this work we study the pulsed SET operation of different HfO2-based RRAM devices for their possible uses as multi-level cells. We have compared two different RRAM devices with HfO2-based dielectrics. Device-A is prepared with hydrogen plasma treatment at mid-point of HfO2 deposition (10nm Ti/50nmTiN/3nm HfO2(plasma treatment) 3nm HfO2/5nm Ru/5nm ALD TiN/ 50nm PVD TiN). Whereas Device-B constitutes a HfO2/Al2O3 bilayer structure (10nm Ti/50nmTiN/7nm HfO2/1nm Al2O3/5nm Ru/5nm ALD TiN/50nm PVD TiN). Both the devices have Ru as the top metal.

Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the conductance modulation obtained by applying successive pulse sequences (80 pulses) with increasing the pulse width tp (from 4 𝜇s to 10 ms) every 20 pulses where the pulse height, Vp, remained fixed at 2V during the experiment. A read pulse with voltage Vr=0.1V and pulse width tr=1ms is applied immediately after each pulse. The forming compliance current in Device-A is seven time lower than Device-B. Both devices clearly show promising behavior of multi-level conductance.