D01 - Non-Volatile Memories and Processing

Monday, 10 October 2022: 08:25-12:10
Room 310 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Durga Misra and Asif Khan
Welcoming Remarks
Electrochemical Metallization Cell Based Memristive Neuron Chip Fabricated with 28nm CMOS Process for Real-Time Unsupervised Learning and Pattern Recognition
D. S. Woo, S. M. Jin, H. J. Kim, D. E. Kim (Hanyang University), H. U. Jin, H. D. Choi (hanyang university), T. H. Shim, and J. G. Park (Hanyang University)
Impact of TiNxOy Layer at the Pt/Hzo Interface for Ferroelectric Memory
A. Senapati (Chang Gung University (CGU), Tao-Yuan, 33302, Taiwan), S. Maikap (Chang Gung University (CGU)), Y. L. Shen (Chang Gung University (CGU), Tao-Yuan, 33302, Taiwan), C. Y. Lin, C. Y. Liao, and M. H. Lee (National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei, 11677, Taiwan)
(Invited) Materials Aspects of New Ferroelectrics with Simple Crystal Structure
T. Shimizu (National Institute for Materials Science), H. Funakubo (Tokyo Institute of Technology), and N. Ohashi (National Institute for Materials Science)
Process Optimization to Reduce Power in HfO2-Based Rram Devices for in-Memory Computing
A. Zeinati, D. Misra (New Jersey Institute of Technology), D. H. Triyoso (TEL Technology Center, America, LLC), R. Clark (Tokyo Electron America Ltd), K. Tapily, S. Consiglio, C. S. Wajda, and G. J. Leusink (TEL Technology Center, America, LLC)
Oxide Memristors Based on SiO2 with Cu/Ag Alloy Metallization for Neuromorphic Computing
F. Qin (Purdue University), H. W. Song (Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science (KRISS)), and F. Qin (Purdue University)