G02 - Molecular and Hybrid Layer Processing 1

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 08:20-10:00
Room 211 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Oana Leonte and Oscar van der Straten
Kinetics of TiCl4 Vapor Phase Infiltration (VPI) into PMMA and the Resulting Thermophysical and Optical Properties of the TiOx -PMMA Hybrids
S. A. Balogun (Georgia Institute of Technology), A. Steiner (Sandia National Laboratories), and M. D. Losego (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Oxidative Molecular Layer Deposition of Conjugated Amine Polymer Thin Films
Q. K. Wyatt (University of Missouri-Columbia), M. Vaninger (university of missouri), N. C. Paranamana (University of Missouri-Columbia), T. Heitmann, H. Kaiser (University of Missouri), and M. J. Young (University of Missouri-Columbia)