C02 - Mechanisms and Models

Monday, 10 October 2022: 08:00-12:10
Room 306 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Sannakaisa Virtanen and John R. Scully
Introductory Remarks
A Perspective on the Repassivation Potential and a Novel Calculation Thereof
R. Skelton and R. G. Kelly (University of Virginia)
Repassivation Temperature of One-Dimensional Artificial Pits in Stainless Steel
T. Li (The Ohio State University) and G. S. Frankel (Ohio State University)
Progress Towards the Key Factors Governing Pit Stability
K. Wang, M. Salasi, and M. Iannuzzi (Curtin University)
Critical Crevice Temperature – an Electrolyte Modeling Perspective
N. Sridhar (MC Consult LLC) and A. Anderko (OLI Systems, Inc.)
A Perspective on Environmentally Assisted Cracking
R. M. Latanision (Exponent, Inc.)
Formation and Long-Time Exposure Aging of Oxides on Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-X (Mo, W) Alloys in Acidic Chloride Solutions: Ramifications Towards Local Corrosion Resistance
E. Romanovskaia, K. Lutton (University of Virginia), M. Amalraj, L. Marks (Northwestern University), and J. R. Scully (University of Virginia)
Comparing Modelling and Experiments for Prediction of Atmospheric Corrosion Under Controlled Dynamic Thin Film and Droplet Electrolytes
H. A. Terryn, N. Van Den Steen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), K. Zhang (Delft University of Technologyy), A. Korsari (Delft University of Technology), B. G. Koushik, Y. Van Ingelgem (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Y. Gonzalez-Garcia (Delft University of Technologyy), and A. Mol (Delft University of Technology)
Predicting Atmospheric Corrosion of Aluminum 2024 Coupons in Coastal Environments with Data Analytics
C. D. Taylor (DNV), D. C. Hansen, D. Borth (University of Dayton), and C. Sanders (Naval Research Laboratory)
An Advanced Model for Long-Term Localized Corrosion of Copper
C. You (University of Florida), S. Briggs (Nuclear Waste Management Organization), and M. E. Orazem (University of Florida)
Use of Multielectrode Arrays and Statistical Analysis to Investigate the Influence of Chloride on the Pitting Probability of Copper
S. Matin (University of Western Ontario), A. Tahmasebi (Western University), M. Momeni (University of Western Ontario), M. Behazin (Nuclear Waste Management Organization), M. Davison (Western University), D. Shoesmith, and J. J. Noel (University of Western Ontario)