G01 - Pores and Porosity

Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 15:50-17:20
Room 210 (The Hilton Atlanta)
(Invited) Outstanding Contributions of Liquid Ammonia on III-V Semiconductors (Photo)-Electrochemistry
M. Fregnaux, M. Bouttemy, D. Aureau, S. Bechu, A. Etcheberry, and A. M. Goncalves (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles ILV UMR8180 CNRS_UVSQ)
Unique Porous Structures Supported By Anodic Treatments in Liquid Ammonia (-50°C, Patm)
M. Bouttemy, S. Bechu, M. Fregnaux, D. Aureau, A. Etcheberry, and A. M. Goncalves (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles ILV UMR8180 CNRS_UVSQ)