The objective of this study is to investigate, implement and assess strategies to mitigate radical induced degradation of aromatic hydrocarbon based proton exchange membranes for fuel cells. Other than in PFSA membranes, where HO· radicals have a lifetime on the order of microseconds, their lifetime is expected to be significantly shorter, i.e. ~1 ns, in polyaromatic membranes due to the fast reaction of HO· with the aromatic units. Therefore, scavenging of HO· using cerium-ions or ceria nanoparticles is not likely to be an effective approach. Alternative radical scavengers, such as hindered phenols, which are also used as antioxidants in plastics, may achieve a higher scavenging yield, yet in order to sustain stabilization over thousands of hours, the radical quenching needs to be a catalytic process, as it is the case with the redox cycling ability of Ce and Mn ions used as antioxidants in PFSA ionomers [3].
An alternative approach is to target the intermediates formed upon attack of the ionomer by HO·. Some intermediates, such as aromatic radical cations, may be sufficiently long lived for suitable repair chemistry to take effect [4]. In this study, we present a kinetic study of possible pathways for damage transfer and ionomer repair reactions and highlight requirements for polymer intermediate lifetimes and kinetics of repair and regeneration reactions of additives. One challenge is to stabilize the ionomer intermediates sufficiently long (milliseconds range) to allow repair reactions to take place. Another challenge is to ensure the kinetics of repair reactions are sufficiently fast and the additive can be repeatedly regenerated. Evidently, the chemistry of the polymer and the additive needs to be adequately tuned and side-reactions minimized. Furthermore, additives incorporated into the membrane merely by doping may be leached out over time, calling for strategies to tether the functional motifs to the polymer chain or an inorganic filler for immobilization.
(Figure: Schematic representation of an antioxidant strategy for hydrocarbon based proton exchange membranes based on the ‘damage transfer’ and ‘repair’ concept. the ionomer P is attacked by HO·, the damage inflicted to the polymer is then transferred to an additive (M, mediator), which undergoes a subsequent repair reaction with H2O2.)
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