Here, we explore the plasmon-mediated photocatalytic methanol oxidation on hybrid core-shell nanoparticles consisting of a thin gold shell and TiN core and compare the effect of TiO2-supported TiN@Au nanoparticles to that of Au on the photon-to-electron conversion efficiency.
The TiO2-supported TiN@Au photocatalysts were made by the deposition of a thin Au shell on 20 and 50 nm TiN NPs (PlasmaChem) followed by the dispersion of the TiN@Au NPs onto TiO2 nanoparticle support (Degussa). Electrochemical experiments were conducted in a three-electrode photoelectrochemical cell. The thin films of TiN@Au/TiO2 on FTO-coated glass served as working electrodes (WEs), while platinum foil and Ag/AgCl in 3 M NaCl (BioLogic, Inc) were used as counter and reference electrodes, respectively. LED lights were used as light sources. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Powder X-Ray Diffraction, and high resolution transmission electron microscopy were used for characterization of catalysts surface composition and morphology.
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