Plasmonic Solar Energy Conversion

Wednesday, 3 October 2018: 13:40-16:30
Universal 21 (Expo Center)
Lionel Vayssieres
Plasmon-Directed Photocatalytic Deposition of Platinum Onto Gold Nanorods Via Hot Electrons
G. T. Forcherio, J. Boltersdorf, J. P. McClure, A. C. Leff, D. R. Baker, and C. A. Lundgren (U.S. Army Research Laboratory)
Surface Plasmon Resonance of Au Thin Films Modified By Pt and Pd Monolayer Catalyst
C. Artur, X. Shan, and S. Brankovic (University of Houston)
Photoelectrochemical Methanol Oxidation on TiN@Au Core-Shell Nanoparticles Supported on TiO2
O. A. Baturina, A. Epshteyn, and B. Simpkins (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)