Here we report our experimental findings on the gettering of Cu and its impact on Cu-LID effects and demonstrate that e.g. the standard phosphorus gettering does not always prevent the occurrence of Cu-LID. Specifically, time-temperature profiles of the device process steps, copper contamination level as well as bulk micro defects present in the wafers play a critical role in the final gettering efficiency. For instance, we show that a typical rapid thermal anneal (RTA, a few seconds at 800 ºC) used commonly in the semiconductor and photovoltaic industries is sufficient to release significant amount of Cu impurities from the phosphorus-doped layer back to the wafer bulk in seemingly gettered wafers.
We also study the impact of Cu-LID on final device operation, namely silicon solar cells, which are processed in industrial environment. We carefully contaminate Cz-substrates of different quality with different amounts of copper and process the substrates into complete industrial Cz-Si solar cells. We demonstrate that copper can be present in significant concentrations in the bulk of the finished cells after being exposed to only trace surface contamination. Consequently, even a small local copper contamination area is sufficient to induce strong LID in the full-sized (8 inch) cell parameters, resulting e.g. in ~7% relative efficiency loss during illumination.