Development of Utility Friendly Olivine Based ESS in Esstalion Technologies – Part-2

Wednesday, 3 October 2018: 09:20
Galactic 2 (Sunrise Center)
Y. Asakawa, J. C. Daigle (Esstalion Technologies Inc), K. Zaghib (CETEES, HydroQuébec), and H. Ueno (Esstalion Technologies Inc)
One of the promising approaches for striking a balance of realizing sustainable society and maximizing utility’s profit is to apply energy storage system (ESS). There’re many use cases proposed (1), such as reserve, regulation, peak shaving, time shift, load following, and renewable integration. To answer these demands, the development of a battery with high rate of charging and discharging, a longer cycle life and safe is imperative.

Esstalion Technologies Inc. has developed LFP LTO technologies with outstanding long life and excellent low temperature performance. (2) It is well know that material stability of LFP and LTO is key to those properties (3), however highly reactive surface of LTO causes undesirable reactions such as gas evolution (4). Those degradation modes hold back the possibilities of full utilization of material stability of LFP and LTO. We investigated mechanisms of failure modes at cathode and anode interfaces. Based the mechanisms, we overcome the issues, and found unique interface structure realizes the properties of our LFP LTO technology.

We propose a brief review of our technologies and we will show an example of our efforts to enhance the key properties of the Li-ion battery.


(1) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Protocol for Uniformly Measuring and Expressing the Performance of Energy Storage Systems

(2) Y. Asakawa et al., ECS Abstract MA2017-02 112

(3) K. Zaghib, M. Dontigny, A. Guerfi, P. Charest, I. Rodrigues, A. Mauger,

C.M. Julien, J. Power Sources 196 (8) (2011) 3949e3954.

(4) I. Belharouak et al., J. Electrochem. Soc. 2012 volume 159, issue 8, A1165-A1170