Experimental The samples were both poly-FZ single crystal and polycrystalline semiconductor grade silicon. The typical thickness was 3 mm for the low temperature measurement and 2 mm for the room temperature measurement. Some of the polycrystalline samples were annealed. The sample surface was mirror finished. The nominally carbon-free reference was prepared by the electron irradiation. IR measurement was done either at room temperature or liquid nitrogen temperature at wavenumber resolution of 2 and 1 cm-1, respectively. Peak position and width of virtual phonon fragments were obtained and compared to those in the spectra of C-Si measured at room temperature. They were cancelled in the spectra.
Results and discussion Low temperature measurement Fig. 1 shows the relation of the peak absorbances of poly-FZ samples measured at room temperature and low temperature. Linear relation was observed for [Cs] down to about 1 x 1014 cm-3. In measurement at room temperature, the virtual inner phonon bands located between 595 and 615 cm-1 overlap the carbon absorption peak at 605 cm-1 and change the peak absorbance. At low temperature, the phonon peak absorbance is 1/2 and carbon peak height is 2 times high so that the phonon band interference is reduced. It is easier to cancel them for the low temperature measurement than RT. We have already confirmed such a relation down to about 1 x 1013 cm-3. The problem is that the peak height is dependent on the machine and actual wavenumber resolution. Therefore, the calibration using the samples who’s [Cs] was measured by either CPAA [4] or SIMS [2] is indispensable. Also, nominally carbon-free reference fabricated by electron irradiation is indispensable [2].
Polycrystal measurement Basic information necessary for the measurement includes, full width at half maximum (FWHM), reference sample, baseline procedure (BL) and conversion coefficient k [8]. They were examined in detail and established for single crystal (C-Si), but not supplied for P-Si. Here these basic factors were examined. Virtual fractional phonon bands were examined by comparing to them in C-Si. Their location was basically at 591, 600, 602 and 610 cm-1, corresponding to the maxima of finite difference also but a little different to that in C-Si. Measurement of polycrystal in 1014 cm-3 range is reported performed for the first time.
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