Quadrupole Gap Surface Plasmon Integrated Bilayer MoS2 for Excellent Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution

Tuesday, 2 October 2018: 11:50
Universal 20 (Expo Center)
P. Sriram (Dept of Material Science and Eng., NTHU), A. Manikandan (Department of MSE, NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan), Y. L. Chueh (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NTHU), and T. J. Yen (Dept of MSE NTHU)
Plasmonic nanoantennas with efficient scattering and strong electromagnetic field confinement were integrated to atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) to shed light on the nanoscale light-matter interactions. Herein, we optimized the quadrupole gap surface plasmonic (QGSP) structure by Taguchi design to maximize field enhancement and integrated to CVD grown bilayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), beneficially tuning the optical properties of bilayer MoS2. The optimized QGSP structure with 27.87 factor enhanced performance and advantageous 1cm2 continuous bilayer MoS2 finds potential application for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) with superior outcome. MoS2@QGSP act as an excellent photocatalyst for HER activity on account of accelerated electron injection process in comparison to electron-hole pair recombination supported from skilled light trapping capacity of QGSP structure and plentiful accepting sites of large surface continuous bilayer MoS2 film. This report demonstrates the gap surface plasmon enhanced intrinsic catalytic properties of bilayer MoS2 for photocatalytic reactions.