In this talk, I will present our recent research progress on the sodium-ion batteries from IoP-CAS. In particular, I will focus on a series of air-stable and Ni-/Co-free Na-Cu-Fe-Mn-O (e.g., Na0.9Cu0.2Fe0.3Mn0.5O2) cathode and a superior low cost amorphous carbon anode made from pitch and lignin. Finally, the prototype sodium-ion batteries based on these cathode and anode materials will also be demonstrated to have promising practical application.
Pan, H. L.; Hu, Y.-S.*; Chen, L. Q., Room-temperature stationary sodium-ion batteries for large-scale electric energy storage. Energy & Environmental Science 2013, 6, 2338-2360.
Sun, Y.; Zhao, L.; Pan, H. L.; Lu, X.; Gu, L.*; Hu, Y.-S.*; et al. Direct atomic-scale confirmation of three-phase storage mechanism in Li4Ti5O12 anodes for room-temperature sodium-ion batteries. Nature Communications 2013, 4, 1870.
Wang, Y. S.; Yu, X. Q.; Xu, S. Y.; Bai, J. M.; Xiao, R. J.*; Hu, Y.-S.*; et al. A zero-strain layered metal oxide as the negative electrode for long-life sodium-ion batteries. Nature Communications 2013, 4, 2365.
Xu, S.-Y.; Wu, X.-Y.; Li, Y.-M.; Hu, Y.-S.*; Chen, L.-Q., Novel copper redox-based cathode materials for room-temperature sodium-ion batteries. Chinese Physics B 2014, 23, 118202.
Li, Y. M.; Yang, Z.; Xu, S.; Mu, L.; Gu, L.*; Hu, Y.-S.*; Li, H.; Chen, L. Q., Air-Stable Copper-Based P2-Na7/9Cu2/9Fe1/9Mn2/3O2 as a New Positive Electrode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries, Advanced Science 2015, 2, 1500031.
Mu, L. Q.; Xu, S.; Li, Y.; Hu, Y.-S.*; Li, H.; Chen, L.; Huang, X., Prototype sodium-ion batteries using air-stable and Co/Ni-free O3-layered metal oxide cathode, Advanced Materials 2015, doi: 10.1002/adma.201502449.
Wang, Y.; Xiao, R.; Hu, Y.-S.*; Avdeev, M.*; Chen, L., P2-Na0.6[Cr0.6Ti0.4]O2 cation-disordered electrode for high-rate symmetric rechargeable sodium-ion batteries, Nature Communications 2015, 6, 6954.
Wang, Y.; Liu, J.; Lee, B.; Qiao, R.; Yang, Z.;Xu, S.;Yu, X*; Gu, L.*; Hu, Y.-S.*; et al. Ti-substituted tunnel-type Na0.44MnO2 oxide as a negative electrode for aqueous sodium-ion batteries. Nature Communications 2015, 6, 6401.
Wang, Y.; Mu, L. Q.; Liu, J.; Yang, Z.; Xu, S.; Yu, X.*; Gu, L.*; Hu, Y.-S.*; Li, H.; Yang, X.-Q.; Chen, L.; Huang, X., A novel high capacity positive electrode material with tunnel-type structure for aqueous sodium-ion batteries, Advanced Energy Materials 2015, doi: 10.1002/aenm.201501005.
Xu, S.; Wang, Y.; Ben, L; Lyu, Y.; Song, N.; Yang, Z.; Li, Y.; Mu, L. Q.; Yang, H. T.*; Gu, L.*; Hu, Y.-S.*; et al. Fe-based Tunnel-type Na0.61[Mn0.27Fe0.34Ti0.39]O2 Designed by A New Strategy as Cathode Material for Sodium-ion Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials 2015, doi: 10.1002/aenm.201501156.
Wu, X. Y.; Jin, S. F.; Zhang, Z. Z.; Jiang, L. W.; Mu, L. Q.; Hu, Y.-S.*; Li, H.; Chen, X. L.; Armand, M.; Chen, L.; Huang, X., Unravelling the storage mechanism in organic carbonyl electrodes for sodium-ion batteries, Science Advances 2015, 1, e1500330.
Li, Y.; Mu, L.; Hu, Y.-S.*; Li, H.; Chen, L.; Huang, X., Pitch-derived amorphous carbon as high performance anode for sodium-ion batteries, Energy Storage Materials 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.ensm.2015.10.003.
- Li, Y.; Hu, Y.-S.*; Li, H.; Chen, L.; Huang, X., A superior low-cost amorphous carbon anode made from pitch and lignin for sodium-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, doi: 10.1039/C5TA08601A.