Interpretation of Defect States in Sputtered IGZO Devices Using I-V and C-V Analysis
In this work, bottom-gate, top-contact TFT structures and interdigitated capacitors fabricated using sputtered IGZO have been investigated. Interdigitated capacitors, unlike one-dimensional capacitors, are much more representative of the actual TFT structure; specifically the channel region. Annealing was performed at 300 - 400 °C in O2, N2and air ambient conditions. Silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, and B-staged bisbenzocyclobutene-based (BCB) resins were applied as materials for back‑channel passivation. Analytical measurements and both I-V and C-V results were used to refine a material model developed for TCAD device simulation [1]. The correlation between I-V and C-V characteristics will be presented.
[1] T. C. Fung, C. S. Chuang, C. Chen, K. Abe, R. Cottle, M. Townsend, et al., "Two-dimensional numerical simulation of radio frequency sputter amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 106, p. 084511, 2009.