Ge and Si/Ge Channels

Monday, 6 October 2014: 14:00-15:40
Expo Center, 1st Floor, Universal 18 (Moon Palace Resort)
Akira Toriumi and Samares Kar
(Invited) High Electron Mobility n-Channel Ge MOSFETs with Sub-Nm EOT
A. Toriumi, C. Lee, C. Lu, and T. Nishimura (The University of Tokyo, JST-CREST)
(Invited) In Depth Study of Ge Impact on Advanced SiGe PMOS Transistors
A. Soussou (STMicroelectronics, CEA-LETI), M. Cassé, G. Reimbold, C. Leroux, F. Andrieu (CEA-LETI), D. Rideau (STMicroelectronics), V. Delaye (CEA-LETI), M. Juhel (STMicroelectronics), R. Berthelon (CEA-LETI), G. Ghibaudo (IMEP-LAHC, INP Minatec), and C. Tavernier (STMicroelectronics)
ALD Grown Rare-Earth High-k Oxides on Ge: Lowering of the Interface Trap Density and EOT Scalability
O. Bethge, C. Zimmermann, B. Lutzer, S. Simsek (Vienna University of Technology), S. Abermann (Austrian Institute of Technology), and E. Bertagnolli (Vienna University of Technology)
Ambient-Pressure XPS Study of GeO2/Ge(100) and SiO2/Si(100) at Controlled Relative Humidity
K. Arima, Y. Kawai, Y. Minoura, Y. Saito, D. Mori, H. Oka, K. Kawai, T. Hosoi (Osaka University), Z. Liu (Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), H. Watanabe, and M. Morita (Osaka University)