A3 Electrochemical Capacitors Poster Session

Tuesday, 7 October 2014: 18:00-20:00
Expo Center, 1st Floor, Center and Right Foyers (Moon Palace Resort)
Effect of Electrode Density on Electrochemical Performances of Carbon-Electrode for Hybrid Capacitor
I. J. Kim, S. Yun, I. S. Choi, S. Yang, and J. W. Park (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI), Battery Research Center)
Development of High Energy Density Hybrid Capacitor Using Silicon Anode
M. Saito, K. Takahashi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), and S. Seki (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
Development of Li2FeSiO4/Activated Carbon Composited Cathodes for Li-Ion Capacitors
C. L. Li, C. H. Chao, Y. H. Lee, Y. W. Lin, J. Y. Hwang, L. D. Tsai, and J. Fang (Industrial Technology Research Institute)
Electrochemical Performances of Carbon Electrode Materials Depending on Electrode Density for Hybrid Capacitors
S. Yang, I. J. Kim, J. W. Park, and S. Yun (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI), Battery Research Center)
Electrochemical Characteristics of Cyclic Structure Additives in EDLCs
S. G. Park (Chungbuk National University), H. S. Yi (Dep. Engineering Chemistry, Chungbuk National University), J. K. Choi (Dep. Engineering Chemistry, Chungbuk national university), Y. J. Yuk, and H. J. Kim (PureEchem co. ltd)
Graphitic Layer Coated Porous Carbon for Energy Storage Applications
H. Yoon, S. H. Yeon, J. J. Yoo, and A. Wook (Korea Institute of Energy Research)
Supercapacitors Based on Propylene Carbonate with Addition of Sulfur Containing Organic Solvents
J. Eskusson, A. Jänes, T. Thomberg, and E. Lust (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu)
Double Templates Synthesis of Mesoporous Materials
T. Xue and J. M. Lee (Nanyang Technological University)