A1 Poster Session

Tuesday, 7 October 2014: 18:00-20:00
Expo Center, 1st Floor, Center and Right Foyers (Moon Palace Resort)
Strategies to Optimize Performance of Lithium-Ion Supercapacitors: Screening of Cathode Configuration, Anode Pre-Lithiation Loading and Separator Type
W. Cao (Florida A&M University), Y. Li, B. Fitch (FMC), J. Shih, and J. P. Zheng (Florida State University)
Electrochemical Characterization of Attached Marine Biofilms for Application in MFC on Glassy Carbon/Carbon Nanotubes Scaffold
M. Galicia, J. M. de Leon, J. V. Rios (Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez), and H. Castaneda (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)
Step-Voltage Testing of Ni-Cd Batteries
M. S. Lipkin, S. M. Lipkin (South Russian State Polytechnical University), A. V. Sedov (Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences), and D. A. Onyshko (South Russian State technical university)
Atomic Layer Deposited Platinum Electrocatalysts on Chemically Functionalized Graphene
J. An (Stanford University), G. Diankov (Stanford university), J. Park (Stanford University), P. Ercius (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), D. Goldhaber-Gordon (Stanford university), and F. B. Prinz (Stanford University)
Investigation of the Effect of the Flow Rate Control on Capacity Decay in Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
D. S. Ko, J. Y. Kim, T. M. Jung, J. H. Kong, and E. J. Choi (Hyundai Heavy Industries)
Assessment of Applicability of Potentiometric Method to Determine Thermodynamic Properties of Electrochemical Processes in Lithium Sulphur Batteries
V. Kolosnitsyn, E. Kuzmina (Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Organic Chemistry of Ufa Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences), O. Nadezhkina, and Y. Zimin (Bashkir State University)
Effect of Lithium Salts on the Cycle Life of Lithium Sulphur Cells
V. Kolosnitsyn, E. Karaseva, E. Kuzmina, and L. Sheina (Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Organic Chemistry of Ufa Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
A Carbon-Free, Precious-Metal-Free, High-Performance O2 Electrode for Regenerative Fuel Cells and Metal-Air Batteries
D. Ng, M. H. M. Tang (Stanford University), Y. Gorlin (TUM), T. Hatsukade, and T. F. Jaramillo (Stanford University)