Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Grand Ballroom (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
Complex systems have a lot to gain from computational models, as they provide information out of reach of most individual experimental techniques. The possibility of providing full control over variables and parameters of a given system, as well as enabling the comparison of mathematical approaches, are a few of the many advantages of employing a well-developed computational model. Such is the case for fuel cells, notorious for its complex interactions between micro, meso and macro-scale components, and difficulty in obtaining reliable information from its dynamics. However, it is of high importance that the models be continuously improved and validated, not only against the already established empirical data, but also against new techniques that provide furtherinsights in the system. In this context, an ongoing work is being developed to provide robust data from current distribution, a rather unused technique when it comes to PEM fuel cell model validation, in order to further improve model development and provide a complementary dataset for validation. It is seen that, when using a simple 3D model of a 50 cm2 PEM fuel cell, with a well-established mathematical formulation, it is possible to reproduce most of the experimental polarization curve, within one deviation, despite the uncertainties on material properties (upper graph in Figure). On the other hand, the current distribution greatly differs between the experimental and computational results, even qualitatively (lower graph in Figure: applied current 3.0 A, current values normalized by sum over all collection points). In general, the same behavior is observed throughout the polarization curve and for different inlet flow rates. Although the lack of proper characterization of the electrode materials may be partially to blame, the consistent differences in the spatial distribution of the current points to broader issues: i) the polarization curve is rather insensitive to finer properties of the system, being a poor result for validation; and ii) the lack of accuracy of widely used mathematical formulations in describing the spatial dependency of variables of interest, in this case current, even in a relatively small device and conservative conditions. These preliminary results and the observed tendencies add to the growing consensus that greater efforts are needed in order to develop and validate useful fuel cell models. In particular, it is suggested that current distribution results, if available, provide more information and greater constraints for fuel cell development and validation, than when relying solely on polarization curves.